“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
- The Order of Confirmation
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, we are strengthened to be Jesus’ witnesses to the world. A person is fully initiated into the Catholic Church by the reception of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. In Baptism, the graces conferred are focused inward. In Confirmation, grace infuses the recipient to a deeper faith that can now be shared with others.
We receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by an anointing on our forehead, reminiscent of the anointing of athletes for strength in ancient times. Confirmation is often separated from Baptism by a number of years though the two Sacraments are closely related.
Confirmation of Young Adults
Confirmation of Young Adults is arranged through the Religious Education Program. Confirmation is received during 8th Grade, after seven years of religious education. Confirmation is now a sacrament of maturity. The sacrament is a call to commit oneself to the mission of the Church — to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To do this, the candidate must know the teachings of Christ and have the emotional and intellectual ability to make a commitment to the work of Christ and His Church. Parents of those to be confirmed attend scheduled meetings to take an active part in this formation.
Adult Confirmation
If you are an adult Roman Catholic who has not yet received Confirmation please contact Deacon Bill Velasquez

“Take in one hand a sponge full of water, and in the other a little pebble; press them equally. Nothing will come out of the pebble, but out of the sponge will come abundance of water. The sponge is the soul filled with the Holy Spirit, and the stone is the cold and hard heart which is not inhabited by the Holy Spirit.”
— Saint John Marie Vianney, the Curé of Ars