Holy Eucharist
“Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you.”
- The Roman Missal
First Holy Communion
Children are invited to take part in our First Communion program which consists of two years of preparation. Parents of those receiving First Holy Communion must attend scheduled meetings to take an active part in this formation. Please see our Religious Education page for more information or contact our Director of Religious Education, Ann Farrell, below.
If you are an adult Roman Catholic who has not yet received Holy Communion, please check out The Rite of Christian Initiation for more information.
The Eucharist is the living bread from Heaven. The Eucharist is the Real, True and Substantial Presence of Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. After His Resurrection, it was in the breaking of the bread that Jesus’ disciples recognized Him. In receiving the Eucharist, we become the Body of Christ. We are transformed and are united with our brothers and sisters in Holy Communion. Receiving the Eucharist is the foretaste or promise of what God has in store for us in Heaven.
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Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass Schedule
8:00am - English
9:30am - English
11:00am - English
12:30pm - Spanish
5:00pm - English Vigil Mass
7:00pm - Spanish Vigil Mass
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday - Saturday: 8:45am - English, in the Church
Monday - Tuesday, Thursday - Saturday: 8:00am - Spanish, in the Chruch
Wednesday: 7:30pm - Spanish, in the Church
Mass Intentions
Weekend and Daily Mass Intentions
The Masses celebrated at St. Mary Gate of Heaven may be offered for your intention, for any person or persons, living or deceased. To have a Mass offered for someone, please contact the rectory office. The suggested donation is $15.
The Purgatorial Society
The Purgatorial Society aims to assist souls in Purgatory reach Heaven. Every First Saturday of the month, a Mass is offered for those enrolled in the society. Their names remain within the society for one year. Please contact the rectory office if you would like to enroll your loved one in the Purgatorial Society and receive a beautiful folder which can be sent to the family or friends of the person enrolled. A $20.00 offering is requested.
Eucharistic Adoration
Every Thursday, in the church. After the 8:45am Mass until 7:00pm.
6:00pm Bilingual Eucharistic Holy Hour, concluding with Benediction at 6:50pm.
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment Thine.
— Eucharistic Hymn