The Parish Youth Ministries
The Parish Youth Ministries
The Parish Youth Ministries is a group of ministries that our young parishioners can join to become more active members of our Parish Community and in practicing their own Catholic Faith. This group consists of the Ministry of Altar Servers, the Teen Ministry, and Scout Troop 173.
Our Mission is to form the youth of our Parish Community into “Young Apostles” who continue growing closer to Christ and leading their peers to our Lord.
The Ministry of Altar Servers
There are very few who have the opportunity to serve so closely at the Lord’s Altar. The Ministry of Altar Servers provides this opportunity to young people of our parish who are called to serve. Your participation in the Ministry is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve our community and, above all, God.
Altar Servers carry out a very important and visible function during the celebration of the Church’s liturgy. By how they carry themselves and the reverence they show to the mysteries being celebrated, servers can inspire a congregation to deeper faith and reverence.
The Teen Ministry
It is often said that young people are “the future of the Church.” In a sense, that would be correct. However, young people are already acting as leaders within the Church. We are not the “future” of the Church. We are right here, right now. We are the present. We are the Church.
Our mission is to provide young people of our parish with faith-filled experiences of spiritual growth, service to the community, and sodality, which they can share with friends and family and carry with them as they grow into young adults.
Scout Troop 173
Scouting as a youth ministry allows young gentlemen to encounter God through the beauty of His creation and through serving others. Catholic Scouting prepares these young gentlemen to make ethical moral choices throughout their lifetimes by helping them grow in the Catholic faith and instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Scout Oath: On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Contact Us
Click below to get in contact with our Youth Ministers, JP Marasigan and Cade Jaipaul, visit our Linktree, or find our Instagram!