The year 2025 is a Jubilee Year, or Holy Year, in the Catholic Church, which is a year dedicated to celebration, forgiveness, and renewal. The last such ordinary Holy Year was under Pope John Paul II, with the Great Jubilee of 2000, and there won't be another for a quarter-century in the year 2050.
There are many Jubilee events for various groups and demographics within the Catholic Church. Some of these include the Jubilee of Artists, Deacons, Confraternities, the Sick and Health Care Workers, Seminarians, the Poor, Catechists, Migrants, Consecrated Life, and Youth. In communion with Rome, St. Mary Gate of Heaven Parish is also putting together our Jubilee program for this Holy Year of Hope.
Upcoming Events.
To honor our deacons for their essential service to the parish. Their commitment to faith, compassion, and community outreach reflects Christ’s teachings. Let us express gratitude for their dedication and celebrate their impact on our community as we reaffirm our support for their service journey.
On this weekend, we honour both our standing and fallen service members in the Armed Forces. We invite all members of the parish to join us in expressing gratitude for their courage and commitment, fostering a spirit of unity and respect for those who protect our freedoms. Let us come together in faith to support the families of our heroes and to remember the lives of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to others.